Title. It's only allowed to save to a certain directory, but is there a way of making an executable made with it update itself? I've got the code to check if it's out of date (HttpGet), but not sure how to intall the newer update.
Main reason is people are complaining about having to repeatedly redownload my RPG. Would it be easier to package it with a C# auto-Updater they can run?
You can not make the .love file "update itself". That is not possible, unless you use the operative system's package manager or something similar (apt-get in Ubuntu, the app store on mac, and whatever microsoft uses, if it has it).
If you don't want to do that, then the second best way to make that work would be making your love2d executable a "shell"; an "empty game" that simply downloads stuff from the internet, and later on it executes some function that initializes everything, including the proper game.
As jpjacobs says, you can download stuff from the web using LuaSocket (which is already included in LÖVE 0.7). For example, this is how you download a png (I've copied the code from here):
if not love.filesystem.exists("expo.png") then
local http = require("socket.http")
local b, c, h = http.request("http://love2d.org/w/images/e/e3/Resource-AnalExplosion.png")
love.filesystem.write("expo.png", b)
There's also a way to uncompress data using the GNU unzip algorithm using pure lua. It's implemented by the /AdvTiledLoader/external/gunzip.lua
file in Kadoba's Advanced TileLoader.
So I guess you can make a game that:
, and comparing it to a file in your server (http://www.your-server.com/latest-version-number). That file simply contains a number, like "48".require 'latest.main'