Im trying to style the element with the className "progress", I can't for the life of me figure it out even after trying numerous possibilities.
Any help or hints I can get will be greatly appreciated! Here is the code for component:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
arrIterator: 0,
counter: 0,
sets: props.ids.sets,
exercises: props.program,
ids: props.ids
// Helper variable to decide when a new round starts --> Reset counter
this.newRoundOn = ((this.state.exercises.length /this.state.sets) -1);
// Gets percentage for progressbar
let barPercentage = ((this.state.arrIterator / this.state.exercises.length) * 100) +"%"; = {
width: {barPercentage}
// Renders Progress Bar
renderProgressBar() {
<div className="card-panel" id="progresjon-panel">
<div className="row">
<h5 className="col s8">Progresjon</h5>
<h5 className="col s4 right-align">{this.state.arrIterator +1} / {this.state.exercises.length}</h5>
<div className="progress" style={style}>
<div className="determinate"></div>
You have to modify your state in order to make the progress bar change its value. Check if some property changed using the componentDidUpdate
method and then set a new barPercentage
As a small advice, you should avoid passing props to state.
constructor () {
this.state = {
barPercentage: 0
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
// Helper variable to decide when a new round starts --> Reset counter
this.newRoundOn = ((this.props.exercises.length /this.props.sets) -1);
// Gets percentage for progressbar
let barPercentage = (this.props.arrIterator / this.props.exercises.length) * 100;
if (this.props.arrIterator > prevProps.arrIterator) {
this.setState({ barPercentage })
render () {
return (
// [...]
<div className="progress" style={{ width: `${this.state.barPercentage}%` }}>
<div className="determinate"></div>
// [...]