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remotes::install_github Error: HTTP error 422. No commit found for SHA: rc-0.3.1

I'm not able to install any package from github. When I tried the following code

remotes::install_github('yihui/xaringan', upgrade = TRUE)

I got the following message

Downloading GitHub repo yihui/xaringan@master
Error: HTTP error 422.
  No commit found for SHA: rc-0.3.1

  Rate limit remaining: 4990/5000
  Rate limit reset at: 2019-02-22 11:49:24 UTC

Any thoughts to figure out this problem, please.


  • I think this is the same issue as Try this instead:

    remotes::install_github('yihui/xaringan', upgrade = FALSE)

    Since the offending package seems to be rlang (which you previously installed from Github but a certain branch named rc-0.3.1 has been deleted later), you need to reinstall it from CRAN.