Search code examples

clicking a dynamically generated button

I will give "from dates" and "To dates" and hit a "create" button. The expected output is

  1. N cases found from "from dates" to "to dates" with a download button
  2. 0 cases found from "from dates" to "to dates" without a download button

In the 1st scenario :

<div data-ng-if="canDownload()" class="ng-scope"
<h3 class="ABC" id="summary">N cases ound from "from dates" to "to dates"
<a data-ng-href="URL" id="summaryHREF"
<button class="XYZ" type="submit">Download<

In the 2nd scenario :

<div data-ng-if="noCases()" class="ng-scope"
<h3 class="ABC" >0 cases ound from "from dates" to "to dates"

I am successful in testing the postive scenario(where cases found)

let notes = element("summary"));

var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var flag = browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(notes), 5000, '**** There are cases to Download ****');


  this.downloadReg = element(by.xpath("//button[text()='Download']"));;
  console.log("No Cases found and Do Nothing");


How do I check if the "summary" text contains "0 cases found...." then do nothing or if the cases found, then click on the Dynamically generated Download button.


  • Pls try the below snippet,

    browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element(by.css('#summary'))), 5000, '**** There are cases to Download ****').then(flag => {
            this.downloadReg = element(by.xpath("//button[text()='Download']"));
            console.log("No Cases found and Do Nothing");
