Good day everyone,
This is my first post on stackoverflow. Honestly, the community is great and full of knowledge. I usually get on it but never made any posts until today I decided to register an account. I need the knowledge of this amazing community for a small quick join query.
For some odd reason I am not able to get it to work.
Here is the relationship table:
What I am trying to output (In this example I will use userID 10):
Display tweet from the Tweet table of all the user the userID 10 follows (including the userID 10 itself)
In other words: Assume userID 10 is called Bob and Bob follows Bell and Rogers.
So I'd like to output the tweet of Bob, and everyone Bob follows: Bell and Rogers
Thank you in advance for your help and time :)
My apologies! Here is the sample data:
Sample Data
Thank you once again :)
Without sample data it's hard to be certain but this query should work. It selects all tweets from the table which match a userID (1) or anyone who that user is following:
FROM User u
JOIN Follow f ON f.follower = u.userID
LEFT JOIN Tweet t ON t.userID = u.userID OR t.userID = f.following
WHERE u.userID = 1
Output (for your sample data)
tweetID userID tweet
1 1 Hello
2 4 Hey
3 1 Hi Folks!
6 4 Something
7 3 Heya!