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SQL count rows with same value in column and group by id?

i have a table like this:

id  | value
1   |   1
2   |   1
3   |   2
4   |   3

i wonder if its possible to count the rows with same value and group them by id , but every time the code will return count 1 if i group them by id and not by value

wanted output:

id  | count
1   |   2(there are 2 rows with value 1)
2   |   2
3   |   1
4   |   1


  • You need to count the value of the column value for each id:

      (select count(*) from tablename where value = t.value) count
    from tablename t 

    See the demo

    select, g.count
    from tablename t inner join (
      select value, count(value) count
      from tablename 
      group by value
    ) g on g.value = t.value

    See the demo