Using JQuery mobile 1.4.5 (
Ironically, everything works on desktop browsers, but I cannot seem to get anything to work when testing on an iPad ...
My stripped down page (HTML) contains the following:
<div data-role="content">
<script src="test.js"></script>
$( document ).on( 'pagecreate', function( event ) { do_something(); });
The file "test.js", contains the following code:
function do_something() {
alert('here in do_something()');
When testing on an iPad, all I get is a grey circle with a "spinning comet" rotating around in the circle and the page never even renders (Yes, I tried rebooting the iPad, clearing browser history/data, etc).
On all other browsers, I get the alert.
Ultimately, I am trying to load google maps into the page along with the javascript I need to manipulate various DOM elements as well as manipulate the map -- which I CAN do and is working on all other browsers -- just can't seem to get anything to work when testing on an iPad (I do not know how to view source or console messages via iPad Safari, which makes debugging a nightmare).
ANY suggestions would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to all who provided some insight...
Turned out it was an external javascript file that contained a try/catch block as:
try {
// code
catch {
// code
When changed to:
try {
// code
catch(err) {
// code
... after the change was made, all tests passed !!