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Mysql month number to month name conversion

I have month value like "22018" in my column I need it like Feb-2018 in mysql workbench


  • You need to first extract the month from the date (considering it will have one or two digits), e.g.:

    SELECT LPAD(SUBSTRING('22018', 1, LENGTH('22018') - 4), 2, '0');

    This will give you 02. Now, you can extract the year with similar logic, e.g.:

    SELECT SUBSTRING('22018', LENGTH('22018') - 4 + 1, LENGTH('22018'));

    Finally, you can concatenate all these to get a string like 2018-02-01:

    SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING('22018', LENGTH('22018') - 4 + 1, LENGTH('22018')),
    LPAD(SUBSTRING('22018', 1, LENGTH('22018') - 4), 2, '0'), '-01');

    Once this is done, you can use DATE_FORMAT function to get the required output:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CONCAT(SUBSTRING('22018', LENGTH('22018') - 4 + 1, 
    LPAD(SUBSTRING('22018', 1, LENGTH('22018') - 4), 2, '0'), '-01'), '%M-%Y');