I have made a Lambda Function and I want to access it via URL with a help of the API Gateway.
I have set it all up, I have also created an application/json
body mapping template in API Gateway looking like this:
"input": "$input.params('input')",
And then I am triggering HTTP GET request that looks like this:
My Java handler class looks like this:
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<String, String> {
public String handleRequest(String input, Context context) {
context.getLogger().log("Input: " + input);
return "Test completed."+input;
And this is the full error message:
"errorMessage": "An error occurred during JSON parsing",
"errorType": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
"stackTrace": [],
"cause": {
"errorMessage": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token\n at [Source: lambdainternal.util.NativeMemoryAsInputStream@68c4039c; line: 1, column: 1]",
"errorType": "java.io.UncheckedIOException",
"stackTrace": [],
"cause": {
"errorMessage": "Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token\n at [Source: lambdainternal.util.NativeMemoryAsInputStream@68c4039c; line: 1, column: 1]",
"errorType": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException",
"stackTrace": [
It worked for me in all the scenarios when I change the type of input argument from String to Object.
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, String> {
public String handleRequest(Object input, Context context) {
String data= input != null ? input.toString() : "{}";
context.getLogger().log("Input: " + data);
return "Test completed."+data;
************************** Added on 12 March 2021 ***************************
After working on a couple of Lambda implementations, I realized that the input argument is nothing but a plain string representation of a JSON structure or a Map<String, Object> representation. For the map representation, Key is the name of the attribute, and the value is (1) a String if it is a primitive value or (2) a List if it has multiple values, is another Map<String, Object> or another JSON structure. You can recover the JSON representation with:
if(input instanceof String)
String lambdaInputJsonStr = (String)input;
else if(input instanceof Map)
String lambdaInputJsonStr = gson.toJson((Map)input);