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New subdomain for each account, Firebase / React

I know this used to be impossible, but has Firebase added support for this yet?

I know that they say you can have multiple domains that share resources, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for. From their site:

You can associate multiple sites with one Firebase project. Each site hosts its own unique static assets, but shares Firebase resources with the other sites in the same Firebase project.

I think this would be like and sharing the same DB, and not and sharing the same static files and DB.

Anyone have any input here? Thanks so much.


  • Firebase Hosting does not presently support wildcard subdomains (e.g. * and is not well-suited to multi-tenant domain setups (where you need a separate domain for each customer).

    While wildcard domains are something we're looking into in the future, it's probably quite a ways out and I wouldn't rely on it happening any time soon.