JSON that I'm trying to parse looks something like this is:
"testBool": true,
"testString": "eu"
And my current parser looks really ugly and it really feels like there is a more elegant way to solve this problem. I tried looking into rapidjson::Type
for a switch case using document.GetObject().GetType()
but it doesn't provide the same type precision that you can achieve by using Get%TypeName%()
functions. hashmap
is nothing but a wrapper around std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any>
rapidjson::Document document;
for (auto& member : document.GetObject())
if (member.value.IsBool())
hashmap->addEntry<bool>(member.name.GetString(), member.value.GetBool());
else if (member.value.IsString())
hashmap->addEntry<std::string>(member.name.GetString(), member.value.GetString());
else if (member.value.IsInt())
hashmap->addEntry<int>(member.name.GetString(), member.value.GetInt());
//And so on
my current parser looks really ugly
Beauty is in the eye of the be(er)holder...here's my code:
static void
printField(const Value& e, const string& fld, bool print_newline = true) {
const Value &v = fld.empty() ? e : e[fld];
if (print_newline)
cout << endl << "\t";
if (not fld.empty())
cout << fld << ": ";
if ( /* custom stuff required? */ ) {
// Do custom stuff
else {
switch (v.GetType()) {
case kNullType:
cout << "Null";
case kFalseType:
case kTrueType:
cout << v.GetBool();
case kObjectType: {
bool first = true;
cout << "{ ";
for (const auto &subfield: v.GetObject()) {
if (first)
first = false;
cout << ", ";
printField(v, subfield.name.GetString(), false);
cout << " }";
case kArrayType: {
bool first = true;
cout << "[ ";
for (const auto &arrEntry: v.GetArray()) {
if (first)
first = false;
cout << ", ";
printField(arrEntry, "", false);
cout << " ]";
case kStringType:
cout << v.GetString();
case kNumberType:
if (v.IsInt64())
cout << v.GetInt64();
else if (v.IsUint64())
cout << v.GetUint64();
cout << v.GetDouble();
stringstream msg;
msg << "Unexpected RapidJSON Value type: " << v.GetType();
throw logic_error(msg.str());
This uses the stringize stuff to solve some problems, but, if you don't like that, you can get the same effect manually. It subdivides the IsNumber
case using a cascading if
; if you need more resolution, you can add the other cases to that.