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Store function in a new environment, show function details

I am investigating if I can store all "user-defined-functions" in one environment, (not global environment). I manage to create the environment and send in the function inside the environment. I can also call for the function by refering to [environment$function].

However, I cannot fetch the details of the function.

Question: How can I view the details of the function that is located inside the environment?

My code:

# Create environment.
env_functions <- new.env() 

# Create function, send in to above mentioned environment.
env_functions$my_print <- function() {

Expected that this command should show details of the function:


Results in:

my_print : function () # Why are the details of the function not visible?

The functions is however possible to be called:


Results in:

[1] "hello"


  • There is no reason why you can't use the standard way of just entering the function name, if you want to see the definition of the function:

    function () 