I have two columns in my database, one of uid (myuid) and another of key value pairs representing total pets per user (totalpetsjson). I would like to query on uid and then sum the resulting JSON rows where keys match.
This query
SELECT totalpetsjson FROM mytable WHERE "myuid" IN ('john','andy')
Results in two rows
What I want the result to be. How could I query and combine the above two rows to look like below?
Use the function json_each_text()
which gives pairs (key, value)
, cast values
to integer and sum them in groups by keys
. Finally, aggregate the results to json:
select json_object_agg(key, sum)
from (
select key, sum(value::int)
from my_table
cross join json_each_text(totalpetsjson)
where myuid in ('john','andy')
group by key
) s
{ "fish" : 144, "lizards" : 4, "cats" : 8, "dogs" : 5 }
(1 row)
Test it in db<>fiddle.