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Deny folder access to specific users

I am looking for a command in cmd that will deny access to a certain folder to all users except for a specific one. I've tried with icacls but I couldn't do that.


  • This is possible and can be done with the cacls command in :

    for %A IN ("user1" "user2" "user3" "user4") do @cacls C:\some\folder /e /c /d %~A

    where to allow access to these users to a certain folder again use:

    for %A IN ("user1" "user2" "user3" "user4") do @cacls C:\some\folder /e /c /d %~A:f

    Be sure to replace user1, user2, e.t.c. with the actual, correct usernames and add more if you want. You will need also to change C:\some\folder to the actual folder path.

    For a solution, double the percent-signs like this:

    @for %%A IN ("user1" "user2" "user3" "user4") do @cacls C:\some\folder /e /c /d %%~A:f