I am trying to use a receiver to output the timestamp from a sequencer that is reading a midi. When I try to output the timestamp to the console, it outputs -1. Code that runs the midi:
public class MidiReadAndPlay {
public static Receiver synthRcvr = new CustomReceiver();
public static Transmitter seqTrans;
public static Sequencer sequencer;
public static Sequence sequence;
public static Synthesizer synth;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
sequence = MidiSystem.getSequence(new File("File.mid"));
seqTrans = sequencer.getTransmitter();
Receiver code:
public class CustomReceiver implements Receiver {
public CustomReceiver() {
public static final int NOTE_ON = 0x90;
public static final int NOTE_OFF = 0x80;
public static final String[] NOTE_NAMES = {"C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"};
public void send(MidiMessage message, long timeStamp) {
if (message instanceof ShortMessage) {
ShortMessage sm = (ShortMessage) message;
System.out.print("Channel: " + sm.getChannel() + " ");
if (sm.getCommand() == NOTE_ON) {
int key = sm.getData1();
int octave = (key / 12)-1;
int note = key % 12;
String noteName = NOTE_NAMES[note];
int velocity = sm.getData2();
System.out.println("Note on, " + noteName + octave + " key=" + key + " velocity: " + velocity);
} else if (sm.getCommand() == NOTE_OFF) {
int key = sm.getData1();
int octave = (key / 12)-1;
int note = key % 12;
String noteName = NOTE_NAMES[note];
int velocity = sm.getData2();
System.out.println("Note off, " + noteName + octave + " key=" + key + " velocity: " + velocity);
} else {
System.out.println("Command:" + sm.getCommand());
} else {
System.out.println("Other message: " + message.getClass());
public void close() {
The send method should output the timestamp but it doesn't. It just outputs -1. Is there a way to fix this or am I doing something wrong? I am trying to get the time stamp of when a note is played. Thanks.
I made this solution but it doesn't always work.
int milliseconds = Math.toIntExact(MidiReadAndPlay.sequencer.getMicrosecondPosition()) / 1000;
int ppq = MidiReadAndPlay.sequence.getResolution();
int bpm = Math.round(MidiReadAndPlay.sequencer.getTempoInBPM());
int msPerTick = 60000 / (bpm * ppq);
int tick = milliseconds/msPerTick;
System.out.println("milliseconds: " + milliseconds + ", ppq: " + ppq + ", bpm: " + bpm + ", msPerTick: " + msPerTick + ", tick: " + tick);
Sometimes the ticks are really large, usually in tens of thousands. For one midi, the ppq is 480 and the bpm is 120. I think there may be an error with the formula.
I found this function to find the tick and I feel like this is better than the solution I wrote above.
int tick = Math.toIntExact(sequencer.getTickPosition());
I feel like its outputting the ticks to high because a 3 minute midi ends at 176000 ticks. Is it supposed to be that high?
The timestamp in the Send function does not work. So I just used:
int tick = Math.toIntExact(sequencer.getTickPosition());
which worked well