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Java get simultaneos input from key listener

I am creating a simple game in which a keypressed event moves a JLabel a certain number of pixels in a JPanel.

It works without any errors and when i hit the right arrow it moves right, and so on. However, as soon as i press a second key it interrupts the original movement.

For example if i was holding down the left key (and the object was moving left) and then i hit the up arrow the object stops moving left. This is (of course) because i am using only one key event for all my key.

This obviously is not an acceptable situation because as soon as i add a second object (for another player) each player will be constantly stopping the other players movement.

So my question is this: How best can i incorporate multiple simultaneous key actions? (preferably without writing dozens of KeyAdapter's and KeyEvent's)

INFO: currently i have a second class which extends a KeyAdapter. This second class includes a KeyPressed function which then uses .getKeyCode(); to find out which key is pressed and act.

EDIT: any suggestions are welcome!


  • The solution is actually quite simple. When a key pressed event is registered store a variable that records the movement. When a key released event is registered un-store that variable.

    This then means that until you release you keys the movement will continue to be registered. The solution also requires a timer in order to loop repeatedly and check if your event is running or not. You could use a delay but a separate thread is the most effective for this type of task.

    First you need a global variable that can store your action:

    String action = "";

    Then you need a key listener to record your input and when you stop inputting:

    // create key listener
    addKeyListener(new KeyListener()
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                  int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
                  String event = KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode);
                  if (event.equals("A")) {
                      // DO YOUR EVENT IF THE KEY HAS BEEN PRESSED
                      action = "A";
            public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
            public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
                  int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
                  String event = KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode);
                  if (event.equals("A")) {
                      // STOP DOING YOUR EVENT
                      action = "";

    Lastly you will need a timer thread to loop and do your action:

           Timer timer = new Timer();
           timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
               // this is what happens every time the timer runs
               public void run() { 
                 // check if your action should be preformed
                 if (action.equals("A")) {
                     // ... do something
           }, 0, 1000);   // 1000 MILLESECONDS = 1 SECOND
           // note: you will need to run 'timer.cancel();' at some point to end your timer

    Also it is worth looking at these other topics, including this about keylistener is games. And about timer tasks.