Set jquery mask on a dynamically inserted input?
I'm trying to do it in the down format, but I'm not succeeding.
The new input loses the mask.
Can someone help me with this please.?
<div class="control">
<input type="text" name="item_valor" placeholder="Valor" class="input valor" maxlength="255" id="id_item_valor">
$('.valor').mask("#.##0,00", {reverse: true});
$(document).on('click', '#addItem', function () {
var newElement = $('.control:last').clone(true);
set the mask on focus of the input like this
$(document).on("focus", ".valor", function() {
$(this).mask("#.##0,00", {reverse: true});
you can probably remove it from document.ready function and also instead of cloning and appending in 2 lines you can shorten it to 1 line with this
here is a working fiddle
Side note: cloning an element with ID will create multiple elements with same ID which is probably not the best way, you should just stick with class in this case