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'keyboardDidHide' returns null instead of an object

I'm currently working on a react-native app and I'm trying to animate the layout of the login-screen when a keyboard is shown.

To track the state of the keyboard, I'm using this code:

componentDidMount() {
    this.keyboardDidShowSub = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', (event) => console.log(event));
    this.keyboardDidHideSub = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', (event) => console.log(event));

keyboardDidShow is working and returning:

Object {
   "endCoordinates": Object {
     "height": 286,
     "screenX": 0,
     "screenY": 354,
     "width": 360,

However, keyboardDidHide is NOT working and returning null.

What could cause my problem? Thank you so much for your help!!


  • This is expected behaviour in Android. If you look at the underlying native code that is called when the keyboard is shown/hidden you can see what is sent back to the javascript side.

    private void checkForKeyboardEvents() {
      final int heightDiff =
        DisplayMetricsHolder.getWindowDisplayMetrics().heightPixels - mVisibleViewArea.bottom;
      if (mKeyboardHeight != heightDiff && heightDiff > mMinKeyboardHeightDetected) {
        // keyboard is now showing, or the keyboard height has changed
        mKeyboardHeight = heightDiff;
        WritableMap params = Arguments.createMap();
        WritableMap coordinates = Arguments.createMap();
        coordinates.putDouble("screenY", PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mVisibleViewArea.bottom));
        coordinates.putDouble("screenX", PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mVisibleViewArea.left));
        coordinates.putDouble("width", PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mVisibleViewArea.width()));
        coordinates.putDouble("height", PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mKeyboardHeight));
        params.putMap("endCoordinates", coordinates);
        sendEvent("keyboardDidShow", params);
      } else if (mKeyboardHeight != 0 && heightDiff <= mMinKeyboardHeightDetected) {
        // keyboard is now hidden
        mKeyboardHeight = 0;
        sendEvent("keyboardDidHide", null); // <- you can see here that when the keyboard is hidden it sends back null

    It is worthwhile noting that in iOS that 'keyboardWillShow', 'keyboardDidShow', 'keyboardWillHide' and 'keyboardDidHide' will return an object.