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ckeditor - get last cursor position and append html at that Angular 5

  1. i am using "ngx-ckeditor": "^0.4.0" in angular 5.
  2. here is my html code

    <ck-editor #ckeditor name="html_template" (click)="getCaretPos(ckeditor)" (change)="ckEditorChange(ckeditor)" [(ngModel)]="mailModel.html_template" [config]="ckEditorConfig">
  3. here is my component code

    this.ckEditorConfig = {
        on: {
            instanceReady: function(e) {
                const pos = e.document.selection.getFirstPosition();
                var selection = e.editor.getSelection();
                var range = selection.getRanges()[0];
                var cursor_position = range.startOffset;

with this code i am not able to get Cursor's last position & don't know how to append html in it?


    1. add blur event in your html directive

      <ck-editor #ckeditor name="html_template" (blur)="ckEditorFocusOut($event)" [(ngModel)]="mailModel.html_template" [config]="ckEditorConfig">

    2. after that add function in your component

      public ckEditorFocusOut(event) {
          var selection = event.editor.getSelection();
          var ranges = selection.getRanges();
          var range = ranges[0];
          var newRange = event.editor.createRange();
          var moveToEnd = true;
          newRange.moveToElementEditablePosition(range.endContainer, moveToEnd);
          var newRanges = [newRange];
          event.editor.insertHtml("<span>Hello World!</span>");
    3. Hello World! text add at last cursor position in CkEditor.