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React i18n break lines in JSON String

I'm working with i18next for react I'm struggling to break lines within the string in my JSON language file.

This is what I already tried, which doesn't break a new line:

  • line: "This is a line. \n This is another line. \n Yet another line", enter image description here
  • line: ("This is a line."+ <br/> + "This is another line. \n Yet another line"), enter image description here
  • line: ('This is a line. <br/> This is another line. \n Yet another line'), enter image description here

I obviously try to make a new line after each sentence. This is how I call it:

<TooltipLink onClick={() => {

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • You can do it with css white-space: pre-line; & \n in the translation text.

    const root = document.getElementById('root');
      lng: 'en',
      resources: {
        en: {
          translation: {
            "key": "Hello world\nThis sentence should appear on the second line"
            // ----------------^ new line char
    }, function(err, t) {
      // initialized and ready to go!
      root.innerHTML = i18next.t('key');
    #root {
      white-space: pre-line;
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/umd/i18next.min.js"></script>
    <div id="root"></div>