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ZK 8.5.0 how to override button widget setLabel function

The ZK setLabel() function of Button widget does not work; when the code runs to the line like foobutton.setLabel(mystring), the button disappears from the browser.

In the eclipse IDE, if I hover on the setLabel() function, the IDE shows this message:

If label is changed, the whole component is invalidate.Thus, you want to smart-update, you have to override this method.

Using ZK 8.5.0

Inside the controller class, I declare:

 Button delSelectedMonitor;

Inside the controller, I implement a class which implements EventListener:

public class onClickHolderEditMode implements EventListener{

    public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
        clickedDivEditMode = (Div) event.getTarget();
        clickedDivIdEditMode = clickedDivEditMode.getId().split(myUtil.monitorholderString)[1];

        String curName = getCamNameById(clickedDivIdEditMode);


event binding:

tmpdiv.addEventListener("onClick",  new onClickHolderEditMode());

My expectation is that when someone clicks the tmpdiv, the button delSelectedMonitor will change its label according to the property of tmpdiv. However as I say previously, the button is just disappearing. I have tried the section "Specify Your Own Widget Class" at the above website link, but the browser will be pending.

Please help, thank you.


  • I would prefer a different approach.

    Why not use a

    <button label="@load(" ... />

    (I wrote using MVVM pattern) and modify variable xyz in clicking action?

    Check out for implementing guide.