I've created a small HelloWorld Java app that relies on OpenJDK 11 and JavaFX. The app is packaged in a jar file which can only be run if I have installed Java 11 and JavaFX on my system separately.
Now I'd like to convert my jar into a self-contained Java application which includes JavaFX and a fully-functional Java runtime environment. This will allow me to run my app without installing OpenJDK 11 (which presents technical hurdles such as setting PATH correctly etc).
I can find information about creating self-contained Java applications on Java 10 but I cannot find information about bundling a Java app with OpenJDK 11 and JavaFX.
How can I ship a self-contained Java app (which includes a java runtime) with OpenJDK 11 and JavaFX?
Follow these tutorials found at the new home for JavaFX after having been spun out of Oracle to Gluon.
You will need to write code using modular Java. Add JavaFX 11 as a dependency to your project. And use the new linking/packaging tools to bundle a subset of the JDK within your app.
Learn about:
Oracle no longer intends for end-users to be installing a JRE or a JDK. Java Applets in a browser and Java Web Start app delivery are both being phased out, leaving the end-user with no need for a JRE. Java-based apps are expected to bundle their own Java implementation. The only folks consciously installing a JDK will be developers & server-side sysadmins.
Here is a flowchart diagram that may help you finding and deciding amongst the various vendors providing a Java 11 implementation.