I have a Vuex store with two states.
I am using these states to show the notes in a list with a getter. This getter merges the two objects and return the merge objects
The problem I have now is that if I add a new note to one of the states it will not be shown in the note list because the getter doesn't pick the 'change' up. I think this happens because I return a variable instead of a function.
This is my getter:
const getters = {
notesObject: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => {
let result = {};
let mergedObject = {...state.notes, ...state.localNotes};
Object.keys(mergedObject).forEach(key => {
const item = mergedObject[key];
if (rootGetters['tags/activeKey'] === null) {
result[key] = item
} else if (item.tag_id === rootGetters['tags/activeKey']) {
result[key] = item
return result;
Example object:
example: {
5: {
title: 'Testing title',
text: 'text'
6: {
title: 'Testing title',
text: 'text'
I hope someone can help me out to find the best solution for this. I was thinking about using a watcher, but I know these need to be avoided.
A solution was to let the watcher merge the two states into a new state. Then the getter doesn't have to merge the two objects
Vue's reactivity system doesn't detect adding new properties. Try using Vue.set(object, key, value)
when adding new notes.
In your mutation function replace state.localObject[payload.id] = payload;
with Vue.set(state.localObject, payload.id, payload);
The getter should then work properly.