I have this schema:
type Preference{
_id: ID!
uID: ID!
preferences: [Category!]!
type Category{
name: String!
subcategories: [String]!
type RootMutation{
createPreference(perferenceInput: PerferenceInput) : Preference
input PerferenceInput{
uID: String!
preferences: [Category!]!
schema {
query: RootQuery
mutation: RootMutation
type RootQuery {
preferences: [Preference!]!
category: [Category!]!
But Graphql gives me an error that states: message": "The type of PerferenceInput.preferences must be Input Type but got: [Category].",
which I have traced back to be related to graphql not being able to parse the [Category]
I need to have this array as a nested array inside the Preference object, but somehow graphql is not able to parse this.. so, how can I pass the Category array to as an input type ?
This is well-known GraphQL limitation.
You can't use regular
as the type for anGraphQLInputObjectType
field – you must use anotherGraphQLInputObjectType
You can't mix input and output types in your schema. Input and output types have different type scope.