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Code halts unexpectedly on backend of my wix site

I wrote an asynchronous function which is supposed to check if a given url returns a '200' from a get and otherwise wait a few seconds to try again a limited number of times. The code works just fine when I run it in my computer using node but when I transfer it to backend it only checks for the site once and then immediately stops when receiving an error. What am I doing wrong?

async function wait(url,delay=10000,attp=3){
 let t0 = new Date(;
 let attempts = 0;
 async function check(){
            console.log('ATTEMPTS: ',attempts);
 return await request.get(url).on('error',
 async function(err){
                console.log('ERROR: ',err);
 return await setTimeout(()=>{check()},delay);
 async function(response){
 let t1 = new Date(;
                    wixData.insert('pagSeguroTimeStats', { 'time': (t1 - t0) / 1000. });
 return '200';
                    console.log('not 200');
 return await setTimeout(()=>{check()},delay);
 return '404';
 return check();


  • Seems that there is a limit to how much time a backend function can run. From the Wix Code forum, it seems that the limit is 14 seconds, although this doesn't look like an official number from Wix.