Assuming I created a file share called "myshare" in Azure in a storage account called "mystorage" what would cause the code below to give this error message on UploadFromFile?
"The specified resource does not exist. RequestId:longstring Time:currenttime"
What am I missing to get this to upload?
static string connstring = "connection string copied from Azure access keys"
static string directorystring = "data being used is url in properties of file share in Azure, for this example it would be"
DialogResult a = openFileDialog.ShowDialog();
string[] filenames = openFileDialog.FileNames;
foreach(string filename in filenames)
string filenameonly = Path.GetFileName(filename);
CloudStorageAccount sa = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connstring);
CloudFileClient fc = sa.CreateCloudFileClient();
CloudFileShare fs = new CloudFileShare(new Uri(directorystring));
CloudFileDirectory fd = fs.GetRootDirectoryReference();
CloudFile f = fd.GetFileReference(filenameonly);
catch (StorageException excep)
Modify the command
CloudFileShare fs = new CloudFileShare(new Uri(directorystring));
CloudFileShare fs = fc.GetShareReference("share name");