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What does null! statement mean?

I've recently seen the following code:

public class Person
    //line 1
    public string FirstName { get; }

    //line 2
    public string LastName { get; } = null!;

    //assign null is possible
    public string? MiddleName { get; } = null;

    public Person(string firstName, string lastName, string middleName)
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;
        MiddleName = middleName;

    public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;
        MiddleName = null;

Basically, I try to dig into new c# 8 features. One of them is NullableReferenceTypes.
Actually, there're a lot of articles and information about it already. E.g. this article is quite good.
But I didn't find any information about this new statement null!
Can someone provide me an explanation for it?
Why do I need to use this?
And what is the difference between line1 and line2?


  • TL;DR

    The key to understanding what null! means is understanding the ! operator. You may have used it before as the "not" operator. However, since C# 8.0 and its new "nullable-reference-types" feature, the operator got a second meaning. It can be used on a type to control Nullability, it is then called the "Null Forgiving Operator".

    Basically, null! applies the ! operator to the value null. This overrides the nullability of the value null to non-nullable, telling the compiler that null is a "non-null" type.

    Typical usage

    Assuming this definition:

    class Person
        // Not every person has a middle name. We express "no middle name" as "null"
        public string? MiddleName;

    The usage would be:

    void LogPerson(Person person)
        Console.WriteLine(person.MiddleName.Length);  // WARNING: may be null
        Console.WriteLine(person.MiddleName!.Length); // No warning

    This operator basically turns off the compiler null checks for this usage.

    Technical Explanation

    The groundwork that you will need to understand what null! means.

    Null Safety

    C# 8.0 tries to help you manage your null-values. Instead of allowing you to assign null to everything by default, they have flipped things around and now require you to explicitly mark everything you want to be able to hold a null value.

    This is a super useful feature, it allows you to avoid NullReferenceExceptions by forcing you to make a decision and enforcing it.

    How it works

    There are 2 states a variable can be in - when talking about null-safety.

    • Nullable - Can be null.
    • Non-Nullable - Cannot be null.

    Since C# 8.0 all reference types are non-nullable by default. Value types have been non-nullable since C# 2.0!

    The "nullability" can be modified by 2 new (type-level) operators:

    • ! = from Nullable to Non-Nullable
    • ? = from Non-Nullable to Nullable

    These operators are counterparts to one another. The Compiler uses the information that you define with these operators to ensure null-safety.


    ? Operator usage.

    This operator tells the compiler that a variable can hold a null value. It is used when defining variables.

    • Nullable string? x;

      • x is a reference type - So by default non-nullable.
      • We apply the ? operator - which makes it nullable.
      • x = null Works fine.
    • Non-Nullable string y;

      • y is a reference type - So by default non-nullable.
      • y = null Generates a warning since you assign a null value to something that is not supposed to be null.

    Nice to know: Using object? is basically just syntactic sugar for System.Nullable<object>

    ! Operator usage.

    This operator tells the compiler that something that could be null, is safe to be accessed. You express the intent to "not care" about null safety in this instance. It is used when accessing variables.

    string x;
    string? y;
    • x = y
      • Illegal! Warning: "y" may be null
      • The left side of the assignment is non-nullable but the right side is nullable.
      • So it does not work, since it is semantically incorrect
    • x = y!
      • Legal!
      • y is a reference type with the ? type modifier applied so it is nullable if not proven otherwise.
      • We apply ! to y which overrides its nullability settings to make it non-nullable
      • The right and left side of the assignment are non-nullable. Which is semantically correct.

    WARNING The ! operator only turns off the compiler-checks at a type-system level - At runtime, the value may still be null.

    Use carefully!

    You should try to avoid using the Null-Forgiving-Operator, usage may be the symptom of a design flaw in your system since it negates the effects of null-safety you get guaranteed by the compiler.


    Using the ! operator will create very hard to find bugs. If you have a property that is marked non-nullable, you will assume you can use it safely. But at runtime, you suddenly run into a NullReferenceException and scratch your head. Since a value actually became null after bypassing the compiler-checks with !.

    Why does this operator exist then?

    There are valid use-cases (outlined in detail below) where usage is appropriate. However, in 99% of the cases, you are better off with an alternative solution. Please do not slap dozens of !'s in your code, just to silence the warnings.

    • In some (edge) cases, the compiler is not able to detect that a nullable value is actually non-nullable.
    • Easier legacy code-base migration.
    • In some cases, you just don't care if something becomes null.
    • When working with Unit-tests you may want to check the behavior of code when a null comes through.

    Ok!? But what does null! mean?

    It tells the compiler that null is not a nullable value. Sounds weird, doesn't it?

    It is the same as y! from the example above. It only looks weird since you apply the operator to the null literal. But the concept is the same. In this case, the null literal is the same as any other expression/type/value/variable.

    The null literal type is the only type that is nullable by default! But as we learned, the nullability of any type can be overridden with ! to non-nullable.

    The type system does not care about the actual/runtime value of a variable. Only its compile-time type and in your example the variable you want to assign to LastName (null!) is non-nullable, which is valid as far as the type-system is concerned.

    Consider this (invalid) piece of code.

    object? null;
    LastName = null!;