On another computer running win7 Pro i had no issue and i was using my.bat file with success. Now on my new win10 Home computer i get this error:
C:\Users\User>schtasks /change /tn "AlarmClockEarly" /ENABLE
ERROR: Access is denied.
But if i run the actual state of the task (for example if it is already disabled) i get this:
INFO: Scheduled task "AlarmClockEarly" has already been disabled. SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "AlarmClockEarly" have been changed.
The task as you can see is a custom made and i don't try to mess with Windows like disabling Updates or something plus i already checked the run with highest priviledges
I run cmd as an Administrator
I am already the Admin account in this PC
I also tried running the command and the .bat itself from the place it is stored C:\Users\User\Scripts>
Can't remember how many things i tried while searching for a solution. So you are my best hope and thank you in advance.
Well i found the solution and for anyone searching the same you ll have to go to C:\windows\system32 then find cmd and go to Properties -> Security. While SYSTEM is highlighted press Advanced at the bottom right and change the Owner from whatever to your account.