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GSuite/Cloud Platform - Fixing or Resetting Permissions

I had created a Google Cloud Platform project and an associated service account for accessing the Directory API in the Admin SDK. After some experimentation I decided to remove that project and the service account and start from scratch. Around that same time I also changed the primary domain on our GSuite account.

I believe this combination has screwed up my permissions in the Google Cloud Platform. I'm the only SuperAdmin on our GSuite account, and yet it seems I'm unable to do many things (examples below). Any way to completely reset permissions or the Cloud Platform account entirely? There are no projects to lose at this point.


  • When I try to create a new project, when choosing "location", the only option (the name of the organization, still using the old primary domain) tells me "You do not have permission to create projects in this location"

  • If I go to IAM & Admin > Settings and try to rename the organization, it says "You do not have the permission to rename this resource. Required permission(s): All of resourcemanager.organizations.get and resourcemanager.organizations.update"

  • If I go to IAM & Admin > Roles a banner at the top says "You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page"

I contacted GSuite support, but since the problem itself was on the Cloud Platform side they couldn't really do much for me.


  • I'm still not sure what caused the permissions to get mangled, but creating another GSuite admin and using that one to repair permissions took care of it.