I'm using a npm module called safe-eval to evaluate some JavaScript code i send to the backend. The code is usually a function that will be executed inside of the safe-eval with the parameters I'll provide. The problem is that when returning certain value, in this case a string, it's not doing so and instead it's giving my a Reference error and interpreting the string value as a variable.
router.post('/test/:nombre', function(req, res, next){
let nombEjer = req.params.nombre;
let code = "";
let error = {etype : ""}
//Evalua el codigo de manera segura
code = safeEval(req.body.code, {},{timeout: 5, displayErrors : true});
error.linea = e.stack.split('evalmachine.<anonymous>:')[1].substring(1, 2);
error.etype = e.toString();
//Devulve error en caso de que mala sintaxis
return res.status(400).send(error);
//Si es una funcion, trae los valores y soluciones de la base de datos
if(typeof code === "function"){
let resultados = [];
Ejercicios.findOne({titulo: nombEjer}, 'parametros', (err, doc)=>{
if(err) return res.status(500).send({error : "No se ha podido encontrar el ejercicio"});
//Ejecutar el codigo con cada lista de parametros y almacenar los resultados
doc.parametros.forEach(function(elem, indx) {
resultados[indx] = safeEval(code(...elem));
error.etype = e.toString();
if(error.etype != "") return res.status(400).send(error);
return res.status(200).send({results : resultados});
return res.status(400).send({etype: "El codigo es invalido"});
The problem happens in one of the iterations of the forEach.
Yes, i know that forEach shouldn't be used as a control statement for a loop, but in this case I did it so to catch any error that could arise during the execution with the list of parameters that I'm passing by.
That said, the problem arises when I pass the list of parameters with this function (this function is supposed to return the string n times):
//Function I'm passing
function cadenaVeces(str, n) {
return str.repeat(n);
//Parameter I'm passing
doc.parametros = [ [ "Ho", 2 ], [ "Ho", 3 ], [ "Ho", 1 ], [ "Ho", 0 ], [ "Ho", 5 ], [ "Vaya chico!", 2 ], [ "x", 4 ], [ "", 4 ], [ "codigo", 2 ], [ "codigo", 3 ] ]
This is the response I got.
{ "etype": "ReferenceError: codigocodigocodigo is not defined" }
This behavior seems valid: safeEval
takes a code string, evaluates it and returns some value: primitive or object (including function). When you call safeEval(req.body.code)
it returns function code()
. When you call safeEval(code(...elem));
, for example safeEval(code(...[ "codigo", 3 ]));
this is what happens:
code(...[ "codigo", 3 ])
returns 'codigocodigocodigo'
tries to evaluate codigocodigocodigo
as a code, not as a string, and reference error happens, as codigocodigocodigo
is not declared.If you need just a string, you can simply call code(...elem)
. If you need the result of the function to be evaluated as a string (which seems confusing though), call safeEval(`'${code(...elem)}'`);
to enclose the result in quotes.