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How to use parameters in TpFIBDataSet SQL query?

I am using FIBPlus library and Delphi 10.3 Rio.

Inside my project I have TpFIBDataSet component.

Under SQL Generator I defined SQL Select with 'where clause' and inside 'where clause' I have one parameter.

My SQL Select and parameter called ':BROJ'

How can I use that parameter in my code, and how can I pass value into that parameter?


  • I don't have a copy of the TpFIBDataSet handy. but usually you set a dataset parameter by code like this:

    MyDataSet.Parameters.ParamByName('BROJ').AsString := 'some value';

    Note : With some TDataSet descendants, the parameters collection is named Params rather than Parameters.

    I gather from your suggested edit that with the dataset type you are using, you can write this instead:

    MyDataSet.ParamByName('BROJ').AsString := 'some value';