I'm currently coding a game for a school project, a sort of Space Invader type of game. I'm currently trying to make a screen where it says "Press R to restart" so that when the player presses R the games goes back to the start. Like in C# exemple : Start: (all your code) goto Start. So my question is there an equivalent of this? I cannot find something about that on the internet.
I've already tried the return loop but it crashes the game before it even starts. I saw that Lua actually has a goto loop in the 5.2 version. But Love2D only supports Lua 5.1 so now I've tried repeat ... until (condition) but it still doesn't work
score = 0
enemykills = 0
local start = love.timer.step( )
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255)
for _,b in pairs(player.bullets) do
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", b.x, b.y, 2, 2)
until not love.keyboard.isDown("r")
I want the game to restart when I press R but it either crashes or does nothing.
Love2D will call your love.update
and love.draw
functions repeatedly. You don't need to have such a loop. What you need to do is remember that your game is in the "wait for user to press 'r' to restart" state. So your code would look something like this:
local current_state = "normal"
function love.update(dt)
if(current_state == "wait") then
if(love.keyboard.isDown("r")) then
current_state == "normal"
--[[Do normal processing]]