im trying to use the createwithparm method programmatically in adf to insert new record in the database but it doesnt works
i have db table with 2 generated values with before insert triggers and i will pass 2 values
and this is my code
OperationBinding operation = ADFUtils.findOperation("CreateWithParams");
Object result = operation.execute();
and from the edit action binding I've referenced the 2 values i want to pass
but nothing is inserted in the database and there is nothing in the log
Given that you said "nothing is inserted into the database", I have to ask: Do you understand how ADF BC(EO, VO, AM) works? When you submit a page, for example with createwithparam, it updates the EO and VOs in the ADF BC middle tier model, in memory. Nothing is written to the database. You must issue a COMMIT through the enclosing Application Module to get the data written to the db. This might help.