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How to position anchors / nodes / anchornodes relative to one anchor with help of ARcore?

I'm creating inside building AR navigation in android studio. I'm looking for a way to "connect" the anchor with other anchors, or maybe anchor nodes / nodes. I'm not sure which one to use. Based on first anchor that i will force user to create I want to draw rest of a nodes that will be relative to the position of the first anchor. I've tried methods shown below but without success. Any ideas ?

private void getAnchors(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot){
    double temp_x=0.0;
    double temp_y=0.0;
    double temp_z=0.0;
    Vector3 wektor3;

    for(DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren())
          ObjectConversion vars = ds.getValue(ObjectConversion.class);
          temp_x = vars.getX();
          temp_y = vars.getY();
          temp_z = vars.getZ();

          wektor3 = new Vector3((float)temp_x,(float)temp_y,(float)temp_z);

          //Pose pose = new Pose(translation,rotation);
          Anchor anchor = download_hit_result.createAnchor();
          AnchorNode anchorNode = new AnchorNode(anchor);
          Node node = new Node();




  • I found a mistake already. To anyone else who'll need to position objects based on diffrent objects. Simply, had to setParent of a anchornode to arFragment. I hope this helps anyone in the future:

    private void getAnchors(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot){
        double temp_x=0.0;
        double temp_y=0.0;
        double temp_z=0.0;
        long   temp_val=0;
        String temp_room="";
        float[] translation= new float[3];
        float[] rotation = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f};
        Vector3 wektor3;
        for(DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren())
            //TODO: create anchors with downloaded values when in the same position use hitpose.creatanchor with pose.
              ObjectConversion vars = ds.getValue(ObjectConversion.class);
              temp_x = vars.getX();
              temp_y = vars.getY();
              temp_z = vars.getZ();
              temp_room = vars.getRoom();
              translation[0]=(float) temp_x;
              translation[1]=(float) temp_y;
              translation[2]=(float) temp_z;
              wektor3 = new Vector3((float)temp_x,(float)temp_y,(float)temp_z);
              Pose pose = new Pose(translation,rotation);
              Anchor anchorx = download_hit_result.getTrackable().createAnchor(pose);
              AnchorNode anchorNodex = new AnchorNode(anchorx);