Wanted to make a generic cascading dropdown but am weak in recursion
The code is supposed to end up with
I lost my train of thoughts when I got to actually recurse - or perhaps filtering can be used?
I assume one could make a set of paths and then just show/hide depending on path
const selObject = {
"-- Select Item --": {
"Clothes": {
"-- Select brands --": {
"Levis": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Jeans": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Jackets": {
"-- Select size --": [
}, // end Levis
"Gucci": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Shoes": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Dresses": {
"-- Select size --": [
} // end Gucci
} // end brands
}, // End clothes
"Gadgets": {
"-- Select brands --": {
"LG": {
"-- Select product --": {
"TVs": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Phones": {
"-- Select size --": [
}, // end Levis
"Apple": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Macbooks": {
"-- Select size --": [
"iPhones": {
"-- Select size --": [
} // end Apple
} // end brands
} // end Gadgets
} // end items
} // end
function createSel(obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(item) {
if (typeof obj[item] == "object") {
var list = obj[item];
//console.log(item,typeof list);
if (typeof list == "object") {
if (list.length) {
list.forEach(function(val) {
else createSel(list)
} else {
console.log("no", obj[item])
window.onload = function() {
<form name="myform" id="myForm">
<div id="selContainer">
Doing this in React would be easier,. But for a plain JS solution the below might be what your after.
Basically all I'm doing is using recursion to create the components, and attach the events.
const selObject = {
"-- Select Item --": {
"Clothes": {
"-- Select brands --": {
"Levis": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Jeans": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Jackets": {
"-- Select size --": [
}, // end Levis
"Gucci": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Shoes": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Dresses": {
"-- Select size --": [
} // end Gucci
} // end brands
}, // End clothes
"Gadgets": {
"-- Select brands --": {
"LG": {
"-- Select product --": {
"TVs": {
"-- Select size --": [
"Phones": {
"-- Select size --": [
}, // end Levis
"Apple": {
"-- Select product --": {
"Macbooks": {
"-- Select size --": [
"iPhones": {
"-- Select size --": [
} // end Apple
} // end brands
} // end Gadgets
} // end items
} // end
function fillDropdown(target, obj) {
const sel = document.createElement("select");
const sub = document.createElement("div");
if (typeof obj !== "object") {
sub.innerHTML = "<p>Thank you for your selection</p>";
const [title, value] = Object.entries(obj)[0];
//add our title option
const option1 = document.createElement("option");
option1.innerText = title;
//now add the sub items
const items = Object.entries(value);
items.forEach(([k, v]) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.innerText = k;
sel.addEventListener("change", () => {
sub.innerHTML = "";
if (sel.selectedIndex > 0) {
const i = items[sel.selectedIndex - 1];
fillDropdown(sub, i[1]);
window.onload = function() {
select {
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding: 10px;
<form name="myform" id="myForm">
<div id="selContainer">