I'm looking at a pull request, which contains !!
- the not-null assertion operator. Should it be approved?
The nullable value itself will indeed never be null. I can't think of a better argument than 'It feels wrong'
private val hasFinishedSubject = BehaviorSubject.create<Boolean>()
init {
val hasFinishedScanner: Boolean
get() = hasFinishedSubject.value!!
Since hasFinishedSubject
is initialized on construction, hasFinishedSubject.value
will never be null
It could be replaced with f.i.:
val hasFinishedScanner: Boolean
get() = hasFinishedSubject.value ?: false
but this false is redundant and could lead to bugs as well. What is the most clean?
Kotlin compiler respect nullability annotations from Java, e.g. @Nullable
or @NotNull
from either JSR-305 or intelliJ.
It may probably make sense to include these annotations into the BehaviorSubject
class if you have control over it.
From the other side, there are Platform types in Kotlin, that are used to simplify nullability check in Java interop. https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html#null-safety-and-platform-types
From my point of view, using !!
with Kotlin code should be avoided, in Kotlin there are enough ways to make your code Nullable-correct.
For the Java interop - it may happen. But instead of using !!
one may use something more meaningful, like what you suggested above.
I would probably have written something like:
val hasFinishedScanner: Boolean
get() = hasFinishedSubject.value ?: error("No value")
Here the error
function has return type Nothing
, in fact, it throws an exception.