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Pepper: People ID

I want to learn face, track it and delete from the database. So I send a string, lets say 'temp' to the Learn Face block and after success I send the same 'temp' string to the peopleID of the People Tracker block. But I'm getting either:

ALTracker.GenericTracker :registerTarget:0  
ALMotion: ALTracker.PeopleConverterImplParamsInfos ALValue is not an array.

error or the robot does not track only the face, but can stare on the head-shaped part of pepper's box, even though he's supposed to track the face he has remembered. Should I use another peopleID? Maybe peopleID is a number?


  • Your guess is right. PeopleID is a number. But the problem is that you might not track the person you have just learned the face, because there is no association between faceID and peopleId (as far as I know), i.e., Pepper doesn't know 'temp' belongs to which peopleId. You might encounter this problem when several person are standing in front of Pepper and you want Pepper tracks 'temp'.