How to call an async function with in textinput?
getTxt = async () => {
filetxt = 'abc';
currentFileName = this.props.navigation.getParam("currentFileName");
try {
filetxt = FileSystem.readAsStringAsync(`${FileSystem.documentDirectory}${currentFileName}.txt`, { encoding: FileSystem.EncodingTypes.UTF8 });
} catch (error) {
return filetxt;
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
multiline = {true}
style={{ margin : 10 }}
>{ await this.getTxt() }
<Button onPress = { this.FunctionToOpenFirstActivity } title = 'Save'/>
There is an error "await is a reserved words", anyknow knows?
You need to re-arrange the code to get desired result. You can't use await in render() which is not async function. If you call async function getTxt without await, it will return a promise. So the filetext will be empty at the time of rendering. You need to make use of state to automatically re-render when value changes.
// Initialise filetext with state
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
filetext: ""
// Make componentWillMount async and invoke getTxt with await
async componentWillMount() {
let text = await this.getTxt();
this.setState({ filetext: text });
//Access filetext from the state so that it will automatically re-render when value changes
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
multiline = {true}
style={{ margin : 10 }}
>{ this.state.filetext }
<Button onPress = { this.FunctionToOpenFirstActivity } title = 'Save'/>