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Add jnetpcap to maven fails

I try to add jnetpcap as a dependency to maven. I found on the internet the following that should be added to the pom file:


I tried this with multiple version numbers, but maven can't find the version:

Dependency 'jnetpcap:jnetpcap:1.4.r1425-1g' not found (the version is colored red).,

Also I tried to add the library via the project structure in IntelliJ. The Maven repository can find the jnetpcap library but when I try to import it i get:

No files were downloaded for jnetpcap:jnetpcap:1.4.r1425-1g.

The library can be manually imported via the jnetpcap.jar file but I need it as a maven dependency in my pom for creating a jar file of my project. Otherwise I get a jar file which can't execute since it is missing the dependency.

Does somebody know how I can include the dependency or otherwise how I can create a jar file of my project without missing this dependency?


  • The artifact is correct, however you are missing one little detail which is obvious, looking at the info page at

    Especially look at the table line Repositories. There you will see that this artifact is only listed in the "Clojars" repository, a non-standard repository you most likely have not added to your project.

    Therefore adding the dependency is not enough, you also have to add the following section:
