I've removed most useless parts of my code, so don't worry if this code doesn't really make sense, it's just to show you what's not working.
First, I create an array from a base array called objects
objects: [
text: "I dont trigger stuff",
"text": "I dont trigger stuff",
text:"I trigger stuff",
activated: undefined,
And the create function
created() {
const newArray = [];
this.objects.forEach(anObj => {
anObj.activated = false;
this.filteredObjects = newArray;
I initialize a property activated
to false
. In my real code I'm not using a forEach
, but a find
but the result is the same.
Then, I display a few buttons to trigger an "activation"
v-for="(myObj, index) in filteredObjects"
@click="activateObject(myObj, index)">
{{ myObj.text }}
And the function being triggered is this one:
activateObject(anObj, anObjIndex) {
this.$set(this.filteredObjects[anObjIndex], 'activated', !anObj.activated)
My goal here is just to update the activated
To check if reactivity is working, I've got a watcher:
watch: {
filteredObjects: {
handler() {
deep: true,
I've got two questions:
1/ Since all activated
properties are set to false
for all objects, why is there only one working, the one with the property initially set to undefined
2/ If I update my activation function to:
activateObject(anObj, anObjIndex) {
anObj.activated = !anObj.activated;
this.$set(this.filteredObjects, anObjIndex, anObj);
It works well. Can someone explain me why, and what is the difference?
In both cases, VueJS Devtools shows the updated values when clicking on refresh. It's a reactivity issue.
You can find a fiddle here:
From the Docs:
Since Vue performs the getter/setter conversion process during instance initialization, a property must be present in the data object in order for Vue to convert it and make it reactive.
This explains why only the third button "trigger stuff".
So, you may either add that attribute in the data()
, or as said in the docs, use this.$set
this.objects.forEach(anObj => {
this.$set(anObj, 'activated', false);
Hope this helps!