Without using any extra space convert Binary Tree to Binary Search tree.I came up with the following algo but It doesn't work.
BTtoBST(node *root)
1.if the root is NULL return
2.else current=root
3.if (current->left > current) swap(current->left , current)
4.if (current->right < current) swap(current->right , current)
6 go to 3 if current!=NULL else go to 4
Thanks in advance
PS:I saw this link but was not of much help!! Convert Binary Tree -> BST (maintaining original tree shape)
You can swap the nodes including subtrees (not only the node content) like in an AVL Tree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree
Just keep swapping as long as BST constraints are violated, restarting deep first search from root after each swap.