I need to destroy the dropzone component after file upload, not able to get the dropzone object to apply the dropzone.destroy() method.
To clear the dropzone, we need to get the dropzone object and use the dropzone.destroy() method. We need to first initialize a variable outside the complete component as:
var myDropzone;
To get the dropzone object we need to use the init event of the dropzone which gives us the dropzone object like below:
initCallback (dropzone) {
myDropzone = dropzone;
const eventHandlers = {
addedfile: this.onDrop.bind(this),
removedfile: this.removeFile.bind(this),
init: this.initCallback.bind(this)
Then we can call the dropzone.destroy() method after our upload is completed like this:
It will reset our files array to [] and remove the files from the view also.