I use a "table creator" to create a list of rules which are then fed to a "rule-based row splitter (dictionary)"
The rules are of the form:
$colname$="somevalue" TRUE
I have created this setup multiple times already and it is working fine. However, some of the string values I need to compare contain doublequotes. According to the official documentation, they need to be scaped using a backslash. I tried that in various permutations, but it always fails.
Error message:
ERROR Rule-based Row Splitter (Dictionary) 0:228 Execute failed:
java.text.ParseException: Line: 306: Expected: =>
$value$="2\"" => TRUE
Rule formating, I've tried, all failed:
According to the docs, the last one should be the correct syntax but it also fails with the above error code. What am I doing wrong?
Found the answer after a long discussion in the KNIME forums. Posting the answer here for completeness sake:
There are two problem cases here and the solution is to handle them separately, one by one.
1) Your string contains doublequotes:
This is forbidden by KNIME. Encapsulate your string in slashes like so:
$colname$ = /and she said: "hi"/
2) Your string contains slashes:
Surround your string with doublequotes like so:
$colname$ = "i need size 40 3/4"
If you have both mixed inside the same string, you need to use code snippets.