I have a Route component that will render a row of table based on the current url, the problem is i can't update state with onClick that i put on Link component, the url is changed but the state is still the same, so the rendered row content is still the same, look at this code bewlow:
render={() => (
this.state.data &&
data.map((data, index) =>
<Row key={index}>
<Col md="1" xl="1">{index + 1}</Col>
<Col md="3" xl="4">{data.job_title}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="3">{data.city}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="2">{data.job_status}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="2"><a href="">{data.inbox.length > 1 ? data.inbox + ' Candidates' : data.inbox + ' Candidate'}</a></Col>
render={() => (
this.state.data &&
data.map((data, index) =>
<Row key={index}>
<Col md="1" xl="1">{index + 1}</Col>
<Col md="3" xl="4">{data.job_title}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="3">{data.city}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="2">{data.job_status}</Col>
<Col md="2" xl="2"><a href="">{data.inbox.length > 1 ? data.inbox + ' Candidates' : data.inbox + ' Candidate'}</a></Col>
<div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<Link onClick={() => {this.setState({currentPage: this.state.currentPage + 1, data: dataMock.data[this.state.currentPage + 1]})}} to="/dashboard/1">
<Button style={{margin: '20px'}}>Page + 1</Button>
<Link onClick={() => {this.setState({currentPage: this.state.currentPage - 1, data: dataMock.data[this.state.currentPage - 1]})}} to='/dashboard/2'>
<Button style={{margin: '20px'}}>Page - 1</Button>
the question is how can i update the state with the new one? it seems the state is not updated, am i doing it wrong? and i'm a bit confused with this solution i found earlier, here's the link: React to url change within component with React Router 4?
I am not usre if that's a good practise. But an easier fix would be
Add the click event to the button, then onClick, do the setState, on setState's call back this.props.history.push('Route')
for example,
takeUserToPage = () => {
this.setState({currentPage: this.state.currentPage + 1, data:
dataMock.data[this.state.currentPage + 1]}, () => {
//inside your return
<Button style={{margin: '20px'}} onClick={this.takeUserToPage}>Page + 1</Button>