I'm creating application with Spring Data Neo4j and Kotlin. I use standard kotlin way to declare entities (class with primary constructor). Everything worked fine until I wanted to create simple, one-to-many and mandatory relationship between my entities. When I'm calling .findAll()
on my repository I get Parameter specified as non-null is null: method ...model.Campaign.<init>, parameter client
I tried to call .findAll(depth = 1)
to load related entities to my entity but that didn't help.
class User(var name: String)
@Id @GeneratedValue
var id: Long? = null
class Campaign(
var name: String,
@Relationship(type = "CLIENT", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
var client: User)
@Id @GeneratedValue
var id: Long? = null
interface CampaignRepository : Neo4jRepository<Campaign, Long>
campaignRepository.save(Campaign("C1", user))
Of course, I can just declare var client: User?
as nullable and everything is fine. But, since in my model I will have both mandatory and optional relationships I want to know if there's a way to overcome this.
I found a solution, but not very elegant:
class Campaign(
var name: String,
client: User?)
@Id @GeneratedValue
var id: Long? = null
@Relationship(type = "CLIENT", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
lateinit var client: User
client?.let { this.client = it }