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How to get html rows where text boxes , select boxes values have been changed

I have a web form having multiple rows in HTML table. When I click Submit, it's updating all the rows ( passing input values of all the rows to the stored procedure parameter ). All I want is to pass and update only those rows where input values are changed.

My HTMl Source:


<title> Dashboard:</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
	var gAutoPrint = true; // Tells whether to automatically call the print function
	function printSpecial()
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						alert("Could not find the printReady function");
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		function validate()
		    var elements = document.getElementById("frmDtls").elements ;
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		      document.frmDtls.action = "samepage.asp" ;
	        // alert("Record has been Updated Successfully!");
	          //window.location.href = window.location.href;
	        // location.reload();
//		    alert(flag);


<body background="Images/Notebook.jpg">

<div align="center">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
    <td width="100%" align="center">
    <img border="0" src="Axalta Coating Systems Logo.jpg" width="1200" height="60"></td>

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
    <td width="100%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><b>
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="4"> CYCLE TIMES and UNITS for UPDATING </font></b>&nbsp;
<div id="printReady">
<div align="center" id="formdiv"><center>
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<input type="hidden" name="hfrom" value = "">

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
    <td width="70%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><b>
		<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">SELECTED DUAL CODE DETAILS  </font></b>&nbsp;</td>
	<td width="13%" align="Middle" valign = "Middle" bgcolor="#FFFF00">
		<input type="button" name='update' value = 'Update' onclick='validate();'>
	<td width="17%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align="Center">
		<b><font face="Times New Roman" size="2">	
				LATEST POSTING DATE / TIME 2/13/2019 7:09:20 AM</font></b>&nbsp;					

style="font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: left; width:100%;">
  <tr align="center">
    <th><small><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">Profile ID</small></small></th>
    <th><WIDTH="200"><small><small><span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">DUAL CODE</small></small></th>	
	<th><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">Description</small></th>
	<th><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">R/D Material?</small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">Process Step Name</small></small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">Process Step Sequence</small></small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">FROM Event Status</small></small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">TO Event Status</small></small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkblue;font-weight:bold">Current CYCLE TIME</small></small></th>
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkred;font-weight:bold">Updated CYCLE TIME</small></small></th>	
	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkblue;font-weight:bold">Cycle Time Units</small></small></th>

	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkred;font-weight:bold">Updated Units</small></small></th>

	<th><small><small><span style="color:darkblue;font-weight:bold">Comments</small></small></th>
  	<td><input type="Hidden" name="l_enteredpartialdualcode"   value=""  > </td>
	<td><input type="Hidden" name="l_selecteddualcodes"   value="1026-FD195, 1143-01427"  > </td>
	<td><input type="Hidden" name="l_selectedprocessstepnames"   value=""  > </td>
	<td><input type="Hidden" name="l_selectedgbtindicato"   value="Both"  > </td>
	<td><input type="Hidden" name="l_multipledualcodess"   value=""  > </td>
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1026-FD195</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1026-FD195 E500546 DARK GRAY WBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>Load_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>2</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>LDGS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>LDGC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>6</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_1_2' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' >3</option><option value = '4' >4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' selected>6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_1_2" value="test1" >
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1026-FD195</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1026-FD195 E500546 DARK GRAY WBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>Test_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>4</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>TSTS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>TSTC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>6</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_1_4' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' >3</option><option value = '4' >4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' selected>6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_1_4" value="" >
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1026-FD195</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1026-FD195 E500546 DARK GRAY WBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>FILL_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>6</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>FLGS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>FLGC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>4</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_1_6' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' >3</option><option value = '4' selected>4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' >6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_1_6" value="test1" >
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>2</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1143-01427</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1143-01427 E450552 TITANIUM SBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>Load_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>2</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>LDGS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>LDGC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>3</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_2_2' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' selected>3</option><option value = '4' >4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' >6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_2_2" value="" >
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>2</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1143-01427</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1143-01427 E450552 TITANIUM SBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>Test_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>4</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>TSTS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>TSTC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>6</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_2_4' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' >3</option><option value = '4' >4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' selected>6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_2_4" value="test" >
<TR align=center><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>2</B></TD><TD Width=90 Height=3 nowrap ><B>1143-01427</B></TD><TD WIDTH=200 Height=3><small><small><B>1143-01427 E450552 TITANIUM SBPR</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=30 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>FILL_Cycle</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B>6</B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>FLGS      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=90 Height=3><small><small><B>FLGC      </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><B>6</B></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B><Select name = 'DDSQ_2_6' font-size=1><option value = '1' >1</option><option value = '2' >2</option><option value = '3' >3</option><option value = '4' >4</option><option value = '5' >5</option><option value = '6' selected>6</option><option value = '7' >7</option><option value = '8' >8</option><option value = '9' >9</option><option value = '10' >10</option><option value = '11' >11</option><option value = '12' >12</option><option value = '13' >13</option><option value = '14' >14</option><option value = '15' >15</option><option value = '16' >16</option><option value = '17' >17</option><option value = '18' >18</option><option value = '19' >19</option><option value = '20' >20</option><option value = '21' >21</option><option value = '22' >22</option><option value = '23' >23</option><option value = '24' >24</option><option value = '-1' >Clear</option></Select></B></small></small></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=70 Height=3 nowrap><small><small><B>
Hours     </B></small></small></TD><TD WIDTH=70 Height=3><small><small><B></B></small></small></TD>
            <td WIDTH=100 Height=3><small><small><B><input type="text" name="txt_2_6" value="test2" >



End of Report.</strong></small></small></p>

<p align="center"><strong><big><big>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</big></big></strong></p>

 Run code snippetExpand snippet

Template is here : Web Page Template

Currently I am trying to append all the row id's with ';' separated on textbox OnChange event in javascript and store it in variable and then pass only these id's to my sql query but I am not able to figure out how to do that.

Is there any way you guys can help me out with?.


<input type="text" name="txt_<%=l_profileid %>_<%=l_processstepsequence%>" value="<%= l_comments%>" onfocus="this.oldvalue = this.value;" onchange="onChangeTest(this);this.oldvalue = this.value;" >

function onChangeTest(textbox){
    alert("Value is " + textbox.value + "\n" + "Old Value is " + textbox.oldvalue  + "\n" + "Name is " +;


  • If I got your question correctly, I think this should work. but If you can add some code, or explain what do you want to do with the row IDs, I can help more

    function submitTable(){
        var rows_ids = [];
        $('#content-table .new-value').each(function(){
            var old_value = parseInt($(this).parent().find('.old-value').text());
            var new_value = parseInt($(this).find('input.desired-input').val());
            if(old_value !== new_value){
                // use this as you want, it containes the id for the changed rows.
                // you have the changes value in new_value, so you also can use it.
    <script src=""></script>
    <table id="content-table">
        <tr id="1">
            <td class="old-value">4</td>
            <td class="new-value"><input type="text" name="txt_1_2" value="4" class="desired-input"></td>
        <tr id="2">
            <td class="old-value">3</td>
            <td class="new-value"><input type="text" name="txt_2_5" value="3" class="desired-input"></td>
        <tr id="3">
            <td class="old-value">6</td>
            <td class="new-value"><input type="text" name="txt_3_6" value="6" class="desired-input"></td>
        <tr id="4">
            <td class="old-value">7</td>
            <td class="new-value"><input type="text" name="txt_4_3" value="7" class="desired-input"></td>
    <button type="button" name="button" onclick="submitTable()">Submit</button>

    EDIT: if you mean that you want to store the old value in the same input you can use the data- attribute to do so... then the code should look like this

    function submitTable(){
        var rows_ids = [];
        $('#content-table .desired-input').each(function(){
            var old_value = parseInt($(this).data('old-value'));
            var new_value = parseInt($(this).val());
            if(old_value !== new_value){
                // use this as you want, it containes the id for the changed rows.
                // you have the changes value in new_value, so you also can use it.

    and you need to add data-old-value="..." to your input

    <input type="text" name="" value="7" class="desired-input" data-old-value="7">

    EDIT2: based on your comment, you can use .split to split the name on _ and then get the id that you want, for the name format that you mentioned it should be at index 1,, the js code should look like

    function submitTable(){
        var ids = [];
        $('#content-table .desired-input').each(function(){
            var old_value = parseInt($(this).data('old-value'));
            var new_value = parseInt($(this).val());
            if(old_value !== new_value){