I have a userform that has a list of numbers entered in column style with no separator other than being on a separate line. Entry into the user form will look something like this:
How do I use the SPLIT function to separate this bulk entry into the user form into separate cells in the same column on a spreadsheet? I'm familiar with how it works if there is a comma or space to look for between the terms but will it somehow recognize a separate line as a delineator and if so, what symbol do I use to represent that in the code?
I want to be able to read this input and have it entered in a workbook, say ("workbookA") and sheets(1) and put it in Column A starting at row 2 and going downward staying in column A.
Try this:
myString = ...
data = split(myString, vbcrlf)
workbooks("workbookA").worksheets(1).range("A2").resize(ubound(data)+1,1).value = application.transpose(data)
myString is the String with your data.
In VBA you have the constants vbLf
, vbCr
, vbCrLf
for linefeed, carriage return and linefeed + carriage return (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline), which represent the characters.