I'm coding my own discord bot and in a nutshell I need some help with the code. I would need my bot to pick a random response (1/10 for example) when I use a command like !roll or !dice, and once used, a user cool down of 6 days to be added (i.e the command can't be used by said user for 6 days afterwards, and would respond with the days, hours and minutes)
I'm pretty new to code, but I figured out some
const Discord = require ("discord.js")
const Bot = new Discord.Client();
const token = "my token"
Bot.login('my token');
Bot.on('message' , function (message){
if(message.content == '!roll')
var roll =(Math.floor(Math.random()*200)+1);
if (roll = 1 )
else {message.reply('lol!');
whenever i roll, the bot displays either one of the outputs, then the other, and then spams the two till it is shut off.
Don't use a single =
in a comparison statement such as an if
. A single equals is an assignment operator which means when you write roll = 1
, you are setting roll to 1 instead of checking if the value it holds is 1.
Always use ==
or ===
when doing comparison statements. So, you would want to use roll == 1
or roll === 1
Here's a good article about double equals vs triple equals in JavaScript
if (roll == 1 ) {
else {
Also, after looking further at your code, you have some more issues. You want to wrap the first if
in a set of curly braces since it should encompass the following lines of code.
Bot.on('message' , function (message){
if (message.content == '!roll')
var roll =(Math.floor(Math.random()*200)+1);
if (roll == 1)