I've tweak this a few times. It seems to be my issue is in the IF Function when I reference a date it does not pick it up. Do I need to use a specific function for calling a date? If I change my date to something random, like DAN, the formula works fine.
Example Data table:
What I want it summarized as:
Here's what formula i'm trying to use: =SUM(IF(C2:H2="California",IF(B3:B14="01/01/2018",C3:H14)))
Your formula actually works just fine, provided you enter it as array formula (with Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
I modified it slightly only so it doesn't take 'hard coded' values and with some careful range locking, this is the final one:
Then again, I'd usually go for SUMPRODUCT which feels more natural to me now:
<-- 1 --> <------ 2 ------> <----- 3 ----->
Where 1 is the full range, 2 is the first condition and 3 is the second condition.