I have the following code that creates checkboxes based on the values from a recordset, which can be A, B,C or D. I want the checkboxes caption to show what those letters mean. For example, A= Excelent, B= Very Good, C= Good, D= Bad. I have those values in a sheet and do a vlookup to get the corresponding name, so the code is currently doing the desired, but is there a way to not have these values in a sheet, perhaps in a variable or in a hidden sheet?
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
i = 0
With MultiPage1.Pages(2).Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "Checkbox" & i)
.Top = yPos
.Left = 7
.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(rst![Perspect], ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("b26:c30"), 2, False)
.Width = 450
.Height = 24
.WordWrap = True
.Value = False
yPos = yPos + 17
.Tag = rst![Perspect]
i = i + 1
End With
Loop Until rst.EOF
End If
The best option is to put it in your recordset. If you don't have that option, then I think this is the cleanest way:
Replace the .Caption = ...
.Caption = GradeCaption(rst![Perspect])
And then create your function:
Function GradeCaption(Grade As String) As String
Select Case Grade
Case "A"
GradeCaption = "Excellent"
Case "B"
GradeCaption = "Very Good"
Case "C"
GradeCaption = "Good"
Case "D"
GradeCaption = "Bad"
End Select
End Function